February 2015
There are three words that every real estate broker understands and relies on: location, location, location. Similar to real estate, when you begin the process of purchasing your own home pool, it is important that you understand this aspect of swimming pool design. This is a simple concept for some and it is very difficult Read More
Have you ever noticed the beautiful pools, spas, and lagoons that accompany almost every vacation destination and wanted to have that same look and feel in your own home? Don’t think that this is something that only the rich and famous can have. It is very possible for you to have your own personal, lagoon-style Read More
Water features are always very exciting and awe inspiring. From the time that you where a small child, you have probably always been amazed by the look and the feel of water. So why is it that we install basic pools without ever adding any extra touches of class? Did you know that there are Read More
Many tasks in life are accompanied by prior research and planning. If you are preparing to interview for a new job, you are likely going to research the prospective company. If you are planning on purchasing a new car, you will probably research the car that you like to see how it stacks up against Read More