Pool Maintenance
On a hot summer’s day, there’s nothing better than cooling off in your own crystal clear pool. With swim season right around the corner, now is the ideal time to begin preparing your pool for endless hours of fun. While regular maintenance work undoubtedly plays a vital role in keeping your pool clean, there are Read More
If a pool has been improperly maintained, algae can grow both in the water and on the surface of the pool itself. Which begs the question, can you swim in a pool with algae? Let’s explore how this happens and why it’s really not a good idea. What causes pool algae growth? A number of Read More
A swimming pool is an exciting addition to any home that, when looked after properly, can improve your health, your lifestyle, and the look of your property. To maximize your investment, maintaining the proper pH balance is crucial for both the health of the pool and the wellbeing of the swimmers, so you and your Read More
Riverbend Sandler Pools Earns Top 50 Pool Service Company Recognition
Awards & Recognitions, Pool Maintenance
Award-Winning Pool Service, Maintenance, & Repair in Dallas, Frisco, & Surrounding Areas Riverbend Sandler Pools is proud to announce we have been recognized with 2021 Top 50 Pool Service Company accolades by Pool & Spa News magazine as well as being included in the Top 50 Pool Builder list. We strive for excellence in all Read More
The warm, beautiful, and fun summer days have slowly faded away, leaving you with chillier weather and a lot less pool usage. You shouldn’t overlook your pool just because you aren’t using it as much as it still needs your attention. When preparing your pool for less usage in the fall and winter months, you Read More
In the coming months, it may become harder to purchase large amounts of chlorine for your pool. There’s a chlorine shortage across the country, and pool owners are beginning to take note. While this shortage is another side effect of the pandemic, it’s important to note that you still have options. Even though there is Read More
A historic cold snap gripped Texas for almost a week in February. Many residents were without power and even drinkable water. It was a costly natural disaster and set thousands of records for low temperatures and overall cold duration. As a result of the incredible cold, we experienced a hard freeze in Texas that damaged Read More
It’s that time of year when the winter freeze warnings happen upon occasion. With freezing temperatures expected within the next few days, it’s important to take action. Extra care needs to be taken now in order to prepare your pool both during and after a hard freeze to avoid costly damage to the pool and Read More
During the summertime when your pool’s in high use, the amount of time you run your swimming pool filters and pumps should be increased. But how much time is the right amount of time when it comes cleaning a busy a pool and keeping it clean? Why You Need Your Pump Running your pump Read More
Even with proper care and maintenance, a swimming pool in the Dallas area can still get out of balance and need a little adjusting. Your water chemistry is constantly changing due to environmental factors, usage, and even the toys you put in the pool. Learn five factors that play a major role in your swimming Read More