Secrets of Success
Pool Maintenance
Below you will find some general maintenance guidelines for your pool. The area in which you live and the age of your pool may dictate these tasks be performed more frequently. Performing these tasks as needed greatly reduces the risk of damaging the pool equipment and the need for costly repairs.
Once a Week
1. Check and clean skimmer baskets. (Maybe required more often)
2. Check and clean pump baskets. (Maybe required more often)
3. Add water if necessary.
4. Check and adjust water chemistry per builder’s requirements.
5. Brush off steps, seats and walls.
6. Check for air in filter.
7. Check filter pressure.
8. Clean Pool cleaner bag.
9. Check equipment pad for leaks.
Every 4 to 6 Weeks
Backwash filter whether it appears to need it or not.
Clean calcium deposits and scum off tiles and spillways.
Clean and lubricate pump lid “O”-ring.
Seasonally Every 6 Months
Spring / Summer
1. Summerization (tear down and clean filter elements).
2. Lubricate valves and “O”-rings.
3. Adjust clock settings.
Fall / Winter
1. Winterization (tear down and clean filter elements).
2. Lubricate backwash valve only.
3. Adjust clock settings.
4. Check other equipment for proper operation.
5. Check water chemistry.